2023-2024 USC-Amazon Center Call for Proposals
USC-Amazon center issues the third call for proposals for USC faculty
Topics for Interest (included, but not limited to)
Web3 + AI, in particular, understanding the foundations of decentralized machine learning over decentralized data in web3
Human-in-the-loop learning (i.e., reinforcement learning with human feedback, etc.).
Adding generative AI and external knowledge integration.
Large generative language models, in particular, multi-task, multimodal, multilingual models that can be augmented with external knowledge.
Federated Learning, in particular the challenges security, privacy, robustness, heterogeneous datasets, personalization, fairness, lack of labels (unsupervised learning), resource constraints, aggregation/bandwidth bottleneck, adversarial attacks, scalability, and continual/incremental learning.
Application domains and benchmarks for trustworthy machine learning, in particular applications in image processing, natural language processing, computer vision, healthcare, IoT, and data sciences.
New information-theoretic and cryptographic approaches for secure and privacy-preserving learning and inference.
Fairness, Bias, and Trust in decentralized and privacy-preserving machine learning, in particular, the challenges of establishing trust in federated learning domains, in which the users and the servers can behave autonomously and can be malicious.
Hardware security and its role in trustworthy AI
Release of CFP: 19 January 2023
Full Proposals Due: 27 April 2023 at 5pm PST
Announcements of Selected Projects: 27 June 2023
New Projects Start Date: 1 July 2023
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